Below are some rolls common to bluegrass music. Don't worry too much about the names as they vary from player to player. There are many variations to these basic rolls as you will discover when learning more tunes.
I've also included the MIDI files so you can hear them. These MIDI files loop the roll 4 times (4 bars). The file sizes are very small — less then 1kb each.
Basic Forward forward.mid |
Basic Backward backward.mid |
Alternating Thumb alter.mid |
Standard Forward standard.mid |
Foggy Mountain* foggy.mid |
Forward Backward forback.mid |
Forward Reverse forrev.mid |
Double Backward doubback.mid |
Pause Forward pause.mid |
Forward Variation forward2.mid |
Ragtime ragtime.mid |
P = Pick (pick down with back of index or middle nail).
B = Brush (back of nails brushing down across strings).
T = Thumb (pluck the 5th string with the fleshy edge of thumb).
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